Saturday, April 14, 2007

Day 1

I remembered today that I wanted to do one of those 30 day art projects. I considered doing a snapshot a day, but I get a little shutter-happy when I get my Canon PowerShot SD 600 (lol) out and can't really just take one. So, I decided I would make it a little photo essay (is that what you would call it?) a day, which would work out a lot better for me. The challenge isn't going to be taking the pictures, but rather finding enough subjects in that time span to keep the photos fresh and interesting.
Here are my photos for today.

It's so Cute!

My Pointe Shoes

Lace Curtain

My Little Baby


Anonymous said...

ugh, that kitty reminds me of my cat, koby, who I had to give away. :(

You do ballet? NEAT

Chris said...

Beautiful pics. You have quite an eye.