Wednesday, May 30, 2007

It Has Been Too Long

Well, I'm finally returning here. My life has been a little nutty of late. I graduate at the end of the week and I was just diagnosed with a sciatic nerve in my leg. Fun, fun. Hopefully I'll get lots of reading done while I lay in bed, right? I drug myself across the library last night to check out some old movies to keep me company as well. Otherwise, life is good. The sun is out, it feels like summer, and I can't help being happy in spite of it all.

Wednesday, May 2, 2007

Oh, the guilt. Welllll ... not really. ^_^

Ok, I cracked. I know I said I wasn't going to go to the library until I got through some of the books I've had for weeks, but ...
I've been wanting to go check out some classic DVDs and some french textbooks from the library, so Wednesday I went with my aunt. We couldn't stay long, but there was still enough time for me to pick up a couple of books. Saturday I went back and got ... about 15 more books. What can I say, I'm only human. ^_^
One of the books is Poor Miss Finch by Wilkie Collins. I've been hungering to read some more of his work after reading The Moonstone, which I adored, and so far Poor Miss Finch has not let me down. I'm about 80 pages into the story and I can tell already it's going to be one of my favorites. I love the way Collins writes, with a sort of undertone of witty sarcasm.
Anyway, I've been having a terrible time choosing what to read. Everything looks so good, but I'm trying to not do more than 3 or 4 at a time.