Thursday, July 12, 2007

And summer continues luxuriously on

I am now back in blogland. I didn't really mean to leave, but you know how life is. Things come up and distract you, then you get lazy and yeah. I haven't forgotten my blog, no, not at all. Many a time I thought of Lavender Rambles with a pang in my heart: "After all the work I put into it and all the nice responses I got ... " The fact is, I began blogging a long time before Lavender Rambles was born, a good two or three years. Xanga was my first experiement, and it went well. I still sort of have that blog; "sort of" meaning it's on hiatus. I put a lot of work into that blog, made tons of posts, but over the past few months I was loosing steam and finally it came to a standstill right around the time Lavender Rambled was being born. Various other blogs cropped up now and then during my time in blog land. None of them stuck for long, but still, it was even more writing. I just needed a break for a little while. Not that I could ever stop or get tired of writing but I needed a little time to germinate some new ideas and renew my wit. I felt like every time I sat down to write a blog I would end up with something that was hurriedly thrown together and written for the sake of writing, not because I had anything particular to say. But now, not only am I back in blogland, I am, more importantly, back in "blogmind". *wink*
I guess the fact that I just wrote all that when I had only intended to write a brief introductory paragraph consisting mostly of "hey, I'm back! Cool, huh?" is a good sign. I guess I had better get on to my real topic, which is summer.
This summer is looking really good (minus the 4 days of stomach virus INSANITY and my sciatic nerve crazyness!). So good, in fact, I think I am going to have to make a list!

My Summer:

  • Learning To Draw ~ I have always wanted to draw, but thought that since I hadn't been born with a pencil in my hand it wasn't going to happen. Then one night, after watching some YouTube videos of people drawing (amazing stuff on there), I was inspired to just pick up a pencil and try some of the things I saw these people doing. The results were, while not what you would call good, something above and beyond my typical stick figures. I decided to get some books from the library, one of which was "The New Drawing from the Right Side of the Brain". WOW! That book is increadible. The only thing left to do now is gather a few more materials and then I am gonna be one drawing maniac! Hehee.
  • Learning to Write Poetry ~ I might not be an avid reader of poetry, but it is something I appreciate and respect that I think I should get into more. I found a book about poetry in my basement and am excited to see where it takes me.
  • Watching Classic Films ~ Just don't have the time when doing acedemic things, so this summer I am going to try to enjoy as many as I can. So far I've checked out 20 - 25 from my library. Not all at once though! :)
  • Reading ~ Duh! Right now I am enjoying Summer by Edith Wharton, and The Italian by Ann Radcliffe. I am also reading The Mourners' Bench by Susan Dodd but not enjoying it as much. Too much graffic sexual details. Cheapens literature if you ask me. Haven't decided yet if I'm doing to finish it or not.
  • Learning to Drive ~ Yes, I only just got my permit. I waited until I really felt ready - no shame in that.
  • Shopping ~ I got lots of graduation cash and also made $200 at a garage sale. Cash burning a hole in my pocket plush a wardrobe full of clothes that no longer fit or were purchased when I was 15 - 17 ... I'm gonna be busy. ^_^
  • Swimming ~ Well, I'm hoping for this one. My aunt and uncle have a "big" pool that I'd like to swim in but it's all up to my mom if she feels like visiting ...
  • Journaling ~ Bought two nice journals at Barns & Noble. One for just keeping a daily log of my life, one for those occasional deeper thoughts.

Are you doing anything special or fun this summer fellow bloggers?

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