Thursday, April 19, 2007

Hmm ... Well, At Least I Tried

This 30 days of pictures thing is not going so well. What can I say? It's not very high on my list of priorities at the moment between finishing senior year, planning a graduation, and getting ready for a dance recital. Maybe I should postpone it to a summer project. I'm a little disappointed, but one does have to prioritize. I did take some nice pictures two days ago, though, that I will try to upload when I can.
Well, I must be off, I've got to make a run to the store and *ahem* stop in "quickly" at the library - which is ok, though, because it's just a branch, not the main one. Hehee.

I'm home again. I had a fun/annoying at times outing. I was saved from doing any serious damage at the library by arriving there 15-20 minutes before they closed. As we were pulling into the library parking lot my friend said, "are you returning books or getting some?"
"Well, I'm just looking," I replied. "...But whatever happens, happens." *grin*
I only found two books:
  • The Coffee Trader by David Liss - I may or may not find this interesting. Anyone know if it's any good? I read a little bit in the car on the way to Wal-Mart (don't worry, my mom was driving) and it seemed like it could be a little bit ... mediocre.
  • I Walk in Dread by Lisa Rowe Fraustino. This is, I am almost embarrassed to say, a Dear America book. But oh well - so what if I am not totally ready to give up all of my childhood?

I also picked up a little booklet of Express Books (books that you can only keep for a week instead of the usual 3) that come in this month. There were a few that jumped out at me, particularly The Camel Bookmobile by Marsha Hamilton and April in Paris by Michael Wallner.

The somewhat annoying time was when I was at Wal-Mart. I wasn't really there on my own time, I had to keep my sister and friend happy, so I got a bit frustrated. Plus, it's not fun to need to go to the other end of the isle and have someone totally blocking the way. What is it with people needing the whole entire isle to shop?

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